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Susanne Preuschoff, PhD

Tel.: +49 (0) 221-470-4089

Christiane Biehl, M.A.

Deputy Director International Affairs

Tel.: +49 (0) 221-470-2769

In alphabetical order:

Dr. Beatrice Asenso Barnieh

Head of the Ghana-NRW Uni-Alliance Office in Accra.

Mobile: 00233573070697

Dr. Heike Berner

Heike Berner is the Coordinator for Academic Cooperation with Iran, Korea, and Japan and contact person for the DWIH Tokyo.

Tel.: +49 (0) 221-470-5427


Dr. Bosbach, Eva

Executive Director of the University of Cologne Regional Office in New York

Tel.: + 1. 212.758-5893


Xiaolian Chen

Xiaolian Chen is responsible for the China Summer Schools, Chinese Scholarship Council and general support for China activities.

Tel.: +49 (0) 221-470-2332

Nicole Conde, M.A.

Nicole Conde is the Coordinator for Academic Cooperation in Brazil and contact person for the DWIH Sao Paulo.


Sarah-Marleen Dannenberg, M.Phil.

Sarah-Marleen Dannenberg coordinates the UoC's Regional Offices and DWIH engagement.

Tel.: +49 (0) 221-470-7494

Dr. Amisha Jain
Head of the University of Cologne Branch Office in New Delhi. Amisha is also responsible for fostering academic cooperation in the South Asian region, namely in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.

Add.: German House, Building Number 21
Jor Bagh, New Delhi- 110003, INDIA

Qiu Lan
Head of the University of Cologne Regional Office in Beijing
Project Office of German Universities in China

Ro.827 Library Building, China University of Political Science and Law
No.25 Xitucheng Road, Haidian District
Beijing 100088, China
Tel.: +86-10-58902841, +86 13811918610

Daniela Simut-Perent, M.A.

Daniela Simut is the Coordinator for Academic Cooperation with Latin America.


Georg Verweyen, PhD

Georg Verweyen is the Coordinator for Academic Cooperation with sub-Saharan Africa, in particular the Ghana-NRW University Alliance.


Karim Zafer, M.A.

Karim Zafer is the Global Responsibility Manager, the Coordinator for Academic Cooperation with the MENA region, and Head of the UoC Regional Office in Cairo


Thilo Zimmermann, PhD

Thilo Zimmermann is Manager for Academic Networking and SDGs. He is responsible for projects to support the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 

+49 (0) 221-470-7437