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Cologne Summer Schools

Get the most out of your summer! Be a part of one of the high-quality summer school programs offered by the University of Cologne! These opportunities give you a fantastic chance to explore a new culture, language and academic insights.

Please refer to the links below for more information:


Funding Opportunities for Faculty Members

The project Cologne Summer Schools provides funding for international student mobility during Spring, Winter and Summer Schools which are planned and organized by UoC affiliated professors and staff.

Click on the picture to be redirected to the information page available in English and German.

Weekly office hours for Summer School organizers

If you have any questions regarding cost types or accounting procedures at the UoC, possible budget shifts or the implementation of your project, we have set up online office hours via Zoom on Mondays (2-3 p.m.) and Tuesdays (11 a.m.-12 p.m.). 

Register for Monday's office hours via this link.

Register for Tuesday's office hours via this link.

Do you have other questions?

Contact us via email. We are happy to help!

Project Team

Dr. Sabine Päsler-Ehlen (pronouns she/her)
Project Coordinator Cologne Summer Schools

Jukka Jokela M.A. (pronouns he/him)

Project Manager Cologne Summer Schools

Telefon +49-221-470 1394
E-Mail CologneSummerSchools[at]verw.uni-koeln.de