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Personal Contact Matters

NRW Universities meeting our head of office

During the first two weeks of Juli, Dr. Beatrice Asenso Barnieh came to Germany and visited the member universities in North-Rhine Westfalia.

Representatives of the International Offices were joint by representatives for internationalisation from the rectorate and researchers with a special interest and collaborations in Ghana. New opportunities came up including regional studies, medical collaboration, dual higher education and integration into the labour market, english taught under graduate programmes ... 

There will be a lot of follow up to do :-)

Fostering Academic Cooperation between North Rhine-Westphalia and Ghana

Ghana-NRW University Alliance

Ghanaian University Rectors meeting the Alliance in Cologne

As part of the DIES programme, the HRK organised a four-day information trip to Germany for vice chancellors from Ghana from 28 November to 1 December. They visited the University of Bonn, the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, the University of Cologne and the Ruhr University Bochum

During an event hosted at the International House of the University of Colgone, the guests were cordially welcomed by Joybrato Mukherjee and the Ghana-NRW University Alliance had a chance to introduced itself. On the Ghanaian side, the vice chancellors of the most important universities took part: University of Ghana, Kwame Nkruma University of Science and Technology, University of Cape Coast, University for Development Studies, University of Health and Allied Sciences, Central University.

The meeting provided ample opportunity for representatives from Ghanaian and German side to familiarise themselves with the various universities in the alliance and to explore opportunities for cooperation ranging from student exchanges to research collaboration.

International Workshop at Member Universities

Winter School »Diversity and Inclusion«

vergrößern: Inter-cultural training at the University of Cologne
vergrößern: Ghanaian Participants at the University of Cologne, International Affairs
vergrößern: Scenic seminar setting in the new library building at the University of Siegen
vergrößern: Dr. Sonja Weber-Menges, head of the Service Centre "Inklusive Universität" presenting
vergrößern: Taking pictures in the snow
vergrößern: Walking through the snow, as busses couldn't reach Uni Siegen anymore

From 1 to 10 December, eleven lecturers and postgraduate students from the University of Ghana, Ho Technical University, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and the University of Education Winneba are visiting North Rhine-Westphalia to take part in an international winter school on diversity and inclusion. They will attend events at all partner universities of the Ghana-NRW University Alliance.

Inauguration of the Ghana-NRW Office in Accra

Ribbon cutting: Dr. Beatrice Asenso Barnieh, Head of the Ghana-NRW Office and D. Susanne Preuschoff, Director of the University of Cologne Division ‘International Affairs’ opening the new space.

Stepping towards a new chapter of global engagement of the University of Cologne and the Ghana-NRW Alliance Universities!

On 18th July 2023, the Ghana-NRW Office, situated in the premises of Goethe Institute Ghana, was inaugurated: a testament to our commitment to international collaboration.

Picture: Ribbon cutting: Dr. Beatrice Asenso Barnieh, Head of the Ghana-NRW Office and D. Susanne Preuschoff, Acting Director of the University of Cologne Division ‘International Affairs’ opening the new space. Photos: EM MULTIMEDIA

After the inauguration Dr. Susanne Preuschoff, along with colleagues from Ghana-NRW Alliance Universities, had a fruitful networking session with the German Ambassador to Ghana, Daniel Krull, at his residence, the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany.



The Ghana-NRW University Alliance

A consortium of eight universities from the federal German state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) that aims to foster academic excellence and promote research collaboration with universities in Ghana

Building on the long-standing partnership between Ghana and NRW, the alliance's mission is to enhance the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and experiences through organized events, information dissemination, and project development.

The office in Accra serves as a central point of contact for researchers and students from both regions, providing support, coordination, and opportunities for collaboration. The ultimate goal of the alliance is to strengthen academic cooperation between universities in Ghana and NRW, and to contribute to the advancement of education and research through mutually beneficial partnerships.


NRW Partner Universities


Dr. Beatrice Asenso Barnieh

Dr. Beatrice Asenso Barnieh
Head Ghana-NRW Uni-Alliance Office

C/o Goethe-Institut
30, Kakramadu Road

Mobile: 00233573070697


Contact in Germany
Photo of Georg Verweyen in front of the Ghana-NRW logo

Dr. Georg Verweyen
Coordinator of the Ghana-NRW University Alliance

Phone:  +49 221 470-7949
E-Mail G.Verweyen(at)verw.uni-koeln.de