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Educational Adventures through Virtual Mobility within the International Partner Network of the University of Cologne


Virtual Mobility is a recent trend in international exchange that supplements physical mobility with digital learning opportunities on an international level.

Virtual Mobility allows students to experience international learning offers and international learning environments without leaving their home university: It opens a window to the world and provides opportunities to meet and collaborate with students and lecturers from universities worldwide.

Virtual Mobility offers of the University of Cologne (UoC) adress different target groups with specific digital learning possibilities.

  • Eduventure ViM Incoming: Virtual Mobility offers for students from Partner Universities
  • EduVEnture Cologne: Virtual Exchange projects of the UoC (for specific fields of study within the DAAD´s IVAC program)

Course performances are accredited with ECTS upon completion and may be included into the student´s main study program. Furthermore, any successful participation in one of the virtual mobility courses offered, will be awared with the Certificate of Virutal Mobility of the International Office of the University of Colgone. 




Dr. Johannes Müller - Project Leader
Ms. Beate Vossel-Newman - Project Manager 
Ms. Esther Wickert - Project Assistant 
Ms. Eva Brans - Project Assistant
