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EduVEnture Cologne (IVAC)


Virtual Exchange Projects

...funded by


EduVEnture Cologne is now in its second year and once again was successful in securing funding from the DAAD, the German Academic Exchange Service, as part of the  IVAC-Program (International Virtual Academic Cooperation).

The program has the following 5 objectives:

  •  Objective 1: Lecturers of German institutions of higher education and their international partners have integrated virtual collaboration formats into their courses and plan to integrate them into the curriculum. 


  •  Objective 2: Students and lecturers apply the digital and intercultural skills acquired through virtual cooperation.


  •  Objective 3: The virtual cooperation formats enable students and instructors to gain international experiences in order to further equal opportunity. 


  •  Objective 4: The developed virtual cooperation formats are integrated into the teaching offers of the project partners by means of existing IT-services or relevant intersections. 


  •  Objective 5: Participants in international virtual collaboration formats build a network and form a community of practice.

While the International Office co-ordinated 13 projects as part of last year's EduVEnture project, this year we continue with 6 projects grouped in two IVAC-grants. The aim of IVAC is "developing and expanding international higher education partnerships and worldwide mobility by tapping digital possibilities".

Details for both 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 are available below. If you have any questions please email the project team:




Ms. Beate Vossel-Newman - Project Manager
Ms. Esther Wickert - Project Assistant