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Prof. Dr. Mirta Zaida Lobato

Former Member of the International Faculty

Professor at the University of Buenos Aires.


Mirta Zaida LOBATO has a Ph. D. in History from the University of Buenos Aires.  She is full professor and researcher in the University of Buenos Aires since 1989. 

She was professor in the Universities of Mar del Plata, Rosario and La Plata, and also in the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO. She has been a Visiting Professor in the University of Chile and Uruguay, and a Visiting Researcher in the Universities of Duke (The Duke Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies) and Indiana (Center for the Study of History and Memory and Institute for Advanced Study). 

She has been awarded both national and international research grants and subsidies, among which the following stand out: Humboldt- Thyssen Foundation Fellowship (2009-2011),  Simon Guggenheim Fellowship for Arts and Sciences (2006); Postdoctoral Grant of the Sephis Program (The Netherlands (2003-2004); Subsidio Creadores (Fondo Cultura BA); Programa Metropolitano de Fomento de la cultura, las artes y las ciencias (2004) [Metropolitan Program for the Promotion of Culture, Arts and Sciences]; Collaborative Project National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), USA (1995-97); Award for Scientific and Technological Production from the University of Buenos Aires (1992,1993,1994,1995). 

She is a founder member and part of the board of Entrepasados, Revista de Historia , Award for Journals of History and Social Sciences from the Ford Foundation, 2004, and also a member of the editorial board of Mora, Revista del Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios de Género, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA. [Journal of the Interdisciplinary Institute for Gender Studies-UBA)  

She has published numerous articles in national and international journals. She is the author of La prensa obrera, Buenos Aires,  (EDHASA, 2009), Historia de las trabajadoras en Argentina, 1869-1960 (Edhasa, 2007) La vida en las fábricas. Trabajo, protesta y conflicto en una comunidad obrera. Berisso, 1904-1970, (Prometeo libros, 2001 y 2004); co-author of La sociedad del trabajo. Las instituciones laborales en la Argentina (1900-1955) (Edhasa, 2014), La protesta social en Argentina (FCE, 2003) and of Atlas Histórico de la Argentina (Sudamericana, 2000) Director of  El Progreso, la modernización y sus límites, 1880-1916 (Sudamericana, 2000) and Editor of Buenos Aires. Manifestaciones, fiestas y rituales en el siglo XX (Biblos, 2011)  Cuando las mujeres reinaban. Belleza, Virtud y Poder en la Argentina del siglo XX, (Biblos, 2005)


Research profile

Her research work discusses both the process of formation of a “working class culture” in Argentina during the 20th Century and the gender relations established in the working world. Another focus lies on the relationship between images and gender representations. Geographically, she works primarily on the history of Argentina and Uruguay. 


Contribution to the KPA IV: 

Prof. Lobato's research work in Argentina is connected with different thematic focus of KPA IV 

(Socio-economic, cultural and political transformations in the Global South). Global labor, gender relations, social movements, deindustrialization and the emergence of the heritage and ethnic identities emerge from her extensive fieldwork in Berisso (Argentina). She will participate in different activities of the thematic network German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and National University of San Martín – Argentina (UNSAM). As member of the external scientific advisory board of the Global South Studies Center Cologne (GSSC) she shall be advising on strategic questions.

She will teach in two master courses: Historia social/historia cultural: cultura de género y acción colectiva en América Latina, October-November, 2014 and Movimientos sociales en América Latina, October-November, 2015. Also, she shall be advising masters and PhD students.