Prof. Bernard Kippelen, Ph.D.

Former Member of the International Faculty
Co-President of the Institut Lafayette
Director, Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics
Joseph M. Pettit Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Bernard Kippelen is the Joseph M. Pettit Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, located in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. His research interests range from the investigation of fundamental physical processes (nonlinear optical activity, charge transport, light harvesting and emission) in organic-based nanostructured thin films, to the design, fabrication and testing of light-weight flexible optoelectronic devices based on hybrid printable materials. He is a co-founder and co-President of the Institut Lafayette, an innovation platform located on Georgia Tech’s European campus Georgia Tech Lorraine (Metz, France), and serves as Director of the Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics on the Georgia Tech campus in Atlanta.
He was born and raised in Soultz, Alsace, France, and is a US and French citizen. He studied at the University Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg where he received a Maitrise in Solid-State Physics in 1985, and a Ph.D. in Nonlinear Optics in 1990. From 1990 to 1997 he was Chargé de Recherches at the French CNRS. In 1994, he joined the Optical Sciences Center at the University of Arizona, where he was promoted Assistant Professor in 1998 and Associate Professor with tenure in 2001. He joined Georgia Tech in 2003 with the rank of Professor.
He holds 15 patents and has co-authored over 600 scientific communications, including over 250 peer-reviewed journal publications and eleven book chapters. His work has received over 10,000 citations and his H-index is 52 (web of science). He served as chair and co-chair of numerous international conferences on organic optoelectronic materials and devices. He is the recipient of an NSF-Career Award (2000), a 3M Corporation Young Faculty Award (2000), a FlexTech Alliance Award (2012), a Printed Electronics USA Award (2012). He was elected a Fellow of the Optical Society of America (2006), and a Fellow of SPIE (2007). He served as a Deputy Editor for Optics Express (2009-2012) and as the founding Editor of Energy Express (2010-2012).
Contribution to the KPA III:
Lecture to Master and PhD students the fundamentals of organic semiconductors and their applications in energy generation and conservation, information technology, highly conformable electronic circuits and systems for integrated smart systems for bioengineering. Collaborative research and technology transfer activities with Prof. K. Meerholz and colleagues in the areas of printed organic electronics and photonics.