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Transatlantic Tandem Talk "What Does a Presidency Cost? Election Campaign Financing in the U.S. and Germany"

September 12th | 12 PM (EDT) | 6 PM (CET) | Virtual Event

The amount of money spent on election campaigns in the United States has increased dramatically over time, sparking debate on the influence of money in politics and its impact on the democratic process. How are presidential and congressional races generally funded and how are the current contenders for the White House financing their campaigns? Which consequences does the current legal framework around campaign financing in the U.S. have for transparency and fairness and how does it differ from the German model? To what extent does money determine election outcomes?

Our next Transatlantic Tandem Talk features Sandra Navidi, financial expert, attorney, University of Cologne alumna, and CEO of BeyondGlobal LLC, and Maureen Edobor, Assistant Professor of Law, focused on elections and constitutional law, as speakers, and is moderated by Dr. Steven Sokol, President of the American Council on Germany. Welcoming remarks by Dr. Eva Bosbach, University of Cologne NY Office and Viktoria Harbecke, AmerikaHaus NRW.

Details and RSVP:  https://amerikahaus-nrw.de/de/eventdetail/transatlantic-tandem-talk-campaign-financing.html



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