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Indo-German Forum: Research, Innovation and Transfer - Leadership Roundtables

20.03.2025 | New Delhi

DWIH New Delhi and DAAD New Delhi are organising an Indo-German Forum on March 20, 2025, that aims to seeks to promote comprehensive dialogue by connecting university partnerships, both applied and fundamental research, as well as innovation and knowledge transfer. 

This Roundtable event will feature a selective, close-circle discussion format and will ensure dialogue among 60 institutional leaders and decision-makers. Some of the main themes of the event will be: Cross border Research Careers, Sustainable Structured Exchange Programmes, Equitable Research Partnerships, Strengths and Challenges of Research Systems, Pathways for Industry cooperation and Technology Transfer and Social Sciences and Humanities.

Dr. Katja Yang (Director of International Affairs), Ms. Qiu Lan (Head of Regional Office China / China-NRW University Alliance) and Dr. Amisha Jain will be participating from the University of Cologne.

For More Information: https://www.dwih-newdelhi.org/en/event/indo-german-forum-research-innovation-and-transfer-leadership-roundtables/

Reference: DWIH New Delhi Official Website