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GAIN 24 Digital Event including University of Cologne workshop. Find out about opportunities to continue your research career path in Germany!

Date and time: September 19th | 9 AM (EDT) | 3 PM (CET) | Virtual Event

For all those who cannot make it to this year's GAIN conference in San Francisco, digital workshops will be available on September 19th, 9 AM – 4:15 PM EDT I 6 AM – 1:15 PM PDT I 15:00 – 22:15 CET. The University of Cologne will be represented by Ines Neundorf, Vice Rector for Academic Staff, Frank Wascheck, Deputy Director for Research Management, Graziana Gatto, alumna and neurobiologist, and Eva Bosbach, Executive Director of our North American Office, and the UoC workshop will take place 12 – 1:15 PM (EDT).

Find out more and join the virtual workshops here: https://www.gain-network.org/de/karrieren-gestalten/gain-jahrestagung/gain24-digitales-workshop-event/


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