10 March, 2020
»Are we taking democracy for granted? What is its current state in the western world and how can we ensure its well-being in the future? With the upcoming U.S. presidential election seen by many as a pivotal event, 2020 is a year that yields potentially crucial political developments and decisions with important consequences for the future opportunities and challenges of democracy. At the same time, renascent nationalism, right-wing populism, and other extreme political currents are on the rise in many countries, with educators struggling to lay foundations for a democracy for the next generations of world citizens.«
This public panel is preceded by a student workshop open to students in the fields of Social Sciences, Political Science, Philosophy, Education, German Studies, Modern Languages and European Studies. Interested students can register at https://form.jotform.com/200344659240147.
More information at https://www.dwih-newyork.org/en/event/democracy-and-education/