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Humboldtⁿ-School: "Hydrogen Innovation Ecosystem

June 19th to 21st, 2023

Hochschulen NRW

See web page


The 2nd Humboldtⁿ-School takes place from June 19th to 21st, 2023 and focuses on the "Hydrogen Innovation Ecosystem" from an interdisciplinary perspective. Different stages of the value chain of a hydrogen economy (production, storage, distribution, use) will be considered in keynote lectures from science and practice, and the economy, science and society will be connected in a goal-oriented manner. Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research approaches offer the opportunity to integrate not only engineering sciences but also, for example, social and economic innovation research. By taking up innovative approaches of transformation research in the energy sector and embedding sustainability aspects in research activities, new impulses are to be set. The integrated Hydrogen Clusters4Future aim to increasingly address sustainability aspects in the various stages of the value chain. In a jointly formulated white paper, the interdisciplinary perspectives on the "Hydrogen Innovation Ecosystem" are to be set in relation to the global sustainability goals (SDGs) and this shall be made accessible via Humboldtn.

Further information: https://humboldt-n.nrw/aktuelles/school-call