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Exchange and networking with members of the European University for Well-Being (EUniWell)

The University of Cologne is part of a European University Alliance: The European University for Well-Being (EUniWell). As a student, lecturer or employee of the University of Cologne, you can take advantage of various offers within the framework and network with our member universities Birmingham (GB), Florence (Italy), Inalco (Paris, France), Konstanz (Germany), Linnaeus (Kalmar & Växjö, Sweden), Murcia (Spain), Nantes (France), Santiage de Compostela (Spain), Semmelweis (Budapest, Hungary) and Taras Shevchenko National University (Kyiv, Ukraine).

Get in touch with us and find out more about EUniWell’s mobility offers, e.g. semester exchanges (Erasmus+) with one of our EUniWell universities, internships, blended learning offers, research stays or short-term programs such as summer schools on the subject of well-being.

Take the chance to participate in our European University Alliance! European university alliances are regarded as the universities of the future, serving to promote European identity and focussing on sustainability, excellence, inter- and transdisciplinarity as well as cultural values such as democracy, openness, diversity, inclusion and internationality. Exchange and networking should take place at all levels (students, lecturers, employees).

Contact us if you are interested in an exchange or participation within the EUniWell consortium.

Contact person

Christiane Biehl
Haed of Dep. 93 – International Mobility
Please visit the online office hours of the International Mobility Team

Link to EUniWell-Team and project lead in Cologne

EUniWell at the UoC

Further information

EUniWell is managed and coordinated by the University of Cologne. The Vice Rectorate for Teaching and Studies is responsible for the project. More information on EUniWell's goals, mission and events can be found here:

EUniWell is one of 64 contemporary European university alliances. More information on European university alliances can be found on the following pages:

Welcome to the European University for Well-Being