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Services for Enrolled International Students

On these sites, we would like to provide some information for enrolled international students in terms of the organisation of their studies at the University of Cologne and concerning life in Cologne in general. The information is appropriate for:


Award of the DAAD-Prize 2024 of the University of Cologne to Ms. Ekaterina Loginova

Event calendar for international students in the winter semester 2024/25

"Studo"- App - - with free registration code for Internationals of the UoC

Finding accomodation in Cologne is difficult! Find out about the housing situation as early as possible on our websites and get in touch with students from Cologne.

Please consult our team if you have questions regarding:

Team "Service for international students"

Contact form for international students

Consultation hours (personal/digital): Tuesday, 10 am - 12.30 pm
Please register here

Team "Service for international students"
at the SSC (Student Service Center), ground floor
Universitätsstr. 22a, 50937 Köln



Mentoring Programmes of the HR Development for Researchers

Gender Mentoring-Agentur – for female students & doctoral candidates (GER/EN)