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  Prospective Doctoral Students
Information for international graduates interested in earning a doctorate in Cologne
The University of Cologne offers numerous opportunities to obtain a doctorate: in structured programmes, in the traditional German individual doctorateunder supervision as well as in cooperation with non-university research institutions.
Range of Studies
Browse through the websites of the Albertus Magnus Center (AMC) to learn about the possibilities at the University of Cologne or contact the faculties directly:
General requirements for recognition of your university degree:
Meeting the requirements for a PhD program at your university in your home country
Completion of at least 4 years at an university followed by an exam and usually a Master thesis.
German language proficiency
Generally, you can earn your PhD in German and English at all faculties. In case you want to persue your doctorate in any other language than German please be aware that some faculties require an application and the approval of the supervisor.
Please confirm with your doctoral advisor
a) which language you want to write your dissertation in
b) which language your oral examination (Disputatio or Rigorosum) will take place in.
2. PhD / MD Regulations
Please inform yourself about your PhD / MD program requirements and process by carefully reading the regulations for the degree of your choice. For certain programs you need to have particular language skills or participate in doctoral student courses or lectures.
Below you will find the PhD regulations for each faculty:
If you decide to pursue an individual PhD at the University of Cologne, you will need a doctoral advisor ("Doktorvater","Doktormutter").
Professors who can fulfill this function may be found on the web pages of the individual faculties. Please contact the desired advisor as early as possible.
When you contact a potential doctoral advisor, please enclose the following documents:
Complete C.V.
Description of your scientific research development
Draft/outline of your research project.
If the professor accepts you as a doctoral advisee, he or she will issue a confirmation of academic supervision.
4. Contacts in the Faculties
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences
The application processes at the different Faculties vary. Please inform yourself on the respective websites or contact the contact persons at the Faculties, view point 4.
6. Enrollment
After receiving the admission from the responsible Doctoral Office, you can enroll at the International Office of the University of Cologne.
Mail account Every registered doctoral student has a student e-mail account. The mail address of the account is composed of the name of the student account and the ending "" (e.g. Max Mustermann has the mail address " In your own interest, you are obliged to regularly read your mails in this account, as all university communication runs via this address and you receive important information via this address (e.g. about upcoming exmatriculations due to non-payment). You will not receive any information on your "" account.
Address: Universität zu Köln Dezernat Internationales, Team Zulassung Studierenden Service Center, EG Universitätsstr. 22a 50937 Köln SSC (Student Service Center)< ground floor
Mailing address: Universität zu Köln Dezernat 9 Internationales, Team Zulassung Albertus-Magnus-Platz 50923 Köln
Service Point and telephone availability: General enquiries:
Opening hours: Mondays till fridays 9:30 am - 12:30 pm wednesdays 1:30 - 3:30 pm Telephone: 0221-470-7797
The Service Point will be closed from 23 December 2024 to 3 January 2025. We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year. In case of emergencies, we can be reached by phone on weekdays.
Personal consultation (digital and in presence) with appointment booking/registration:
Prospective students - Bachelor/State Examination (for non-EU citizens): tuesdays (in presence, address above) 10 am - 12:30 pm (registration) wednesdays (digital, zoom) 4 pm - 6 pm (registration)
Prospective students - Bachelor/State Examination (for EU citizens and and citizens on equal terms, Germans with foreign Entrance Qualification): tuesdays (in presence, address above) 10 am - 12:30 pm (registration) wednesdays (digital, zoom) 4 pm - 6 pm (registration)
Prospective students - Master: By appointment: (registration)
Prospective Doctoral Students:
Faculty of Management, Economis and Social Science; Faculty of Law, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Human Sciences tuesdays (in presence, address above) 10 am - 12:30 pm (registration) wednesdays (digital, zoom) 4 pm - 6 pm (registration)
Faculty of Medicine tuesdays (in presence, address above) 10 am - 12:30 pm (registration) wednesdays (digital, zoom) 4 pm - 6 pm (registration)