Launch your career abroad
This website is intended to provide an overview of the wide range of offers that students of the University of Cologne can use free of charge to prepare for an international job.
The offers are aimed at German and international students who would like to work outside of Germany - this can be in a region of the world that is still unknown to you, one that is somewhat familiar to you, or even your country/region of origin. It is also relevant for students who want to work within Germany in multinational companies or multinational organisations.
The offers range from language classes & cultural exchanges to networking, financial & legal aspects.
Language & Culture
Learning the language and communicating with people is the most important tool for understanding a culture and finding your way around.
TANDEM - individual language exchange (International Office)
TANDEM is a platform where you can meet other students from the UoC and other universities and get together as a couple or in a group to talk, teach & learn languages. The idea is that you teach your language to a language partner while your partner teaches you her/his language. This way you both benefit from the language and cultural exchange in a set up that you choose. The platform helps you to find your match!
IHG - International Student Associations of the University of Cologne
Language courses of the ProfessionalCenter
The ProfessionalCenter, in cooperation with the language school Berlitz offers language courses in English, French, Italian and Spanish. The courses take place within the framework of the studium integrale / extracurricular programme. All information about the language courses and registration can be found on the ProfessionalCenter's website.
Intercultural Communication in Business (ProfessionalCenter)
This very interactive, 3-day course helps you work more effectively in an international environment. Conducted entirely in English, we approach the challenges of an increasingly interconnected world from a communications point of view.
Modern technology makes it very easy to communicate with people from all over the world and almost all organizations have international contacts, whether it is with clients, providers, business associations or international staff. The fact that it is easy to communicate doesn't, however, mean that we also understand each other!
This course focuses on different aspects of international communication and improves your intercultural sensitivity through the stages; Awareness, Understanding, and Reconciliation.
Topics in the course are:
- What is culture?
- The process of culture shock
- Dealing with stereotypes and prejudices
- Cultural dimensions - a framework for understanding cultural differences
- Corporate culture
- International negotiations
- Achieving reconciliation.
Overview page for competence trainings of the ProfessionalCenter
University-internal counselling & services
With its multitude of institutions, the UzK offers a wide range of opportunities to prepare for an international career. Some of the services are listed below:
Internship abroad with Erasmus+
Within the Erasmus programme, internships of students in companies, institutions and organisations in other European countries are supported. Link to the Erasmus+ programme page on internships for UzK students
Link to the Erasmus+ programme
Center for International Relations of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Information in regards to internships abroad from the Faculty of Human Sciences
Information in regards to internships abroad from the Career Service of the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences
Center for International Relations of the Faculty of Law
Center for International Relations of the Faculty of Medicine
Center for International Relations of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Current EU Careers Student Ambassador
University-external counselling & services
The following institutions can be useful to you as a student or graduate when launching an international career/working experience abroad. Some of these services are open to all students and graduates and some are aimed at specific groups.
DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service - on the topic of interships abroad
CIM - Centre for International Migration and Development
CIM is a joint venture of GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit) and the Federal Job Agency. Its tasks are:
- placement of experts and managers worldwide
- supporting experts returning to their country of origin
- supporting experts in their development policy activities in their country of origin
- counselling on the subject of migration and labour mobility
- supporting business ideas of migrants in their countries of origin
- support for voluntary projects that work together with partners in the country of origin
Link to the website of CIM
GIZ - German Corporation for International Cooperation
Working abroad - a counselling service of the federal job agency
The contact persons at the ZAV (Zentrale Auslands- und Fachvermittlung) can advise you on the following topics:
- living and working abroad
- registration and residence (EU + third countries)
- social security
- job search and labour market
- application procedures in the destination country
- EU funding programmes
Link to the website of the Federal Job Agency on the topic of working abroad
EU Careers Student Ambassadors