UoC Global
The University of Cologne (UoC) sees itself as a globally active and interconnected university. Its research and teaching – embedded within the UN Sustainable Development Goals – as a global responsibility for shaping the development of science and education, society and living conditions. Active participation in global networks strengthens its impact, contributes to shaping the higher education and living landscapes and provides impulses and global competence also for local activities and initiatives. This brings with it a responsibility to continuously develop one’s own institution, which is promoted through competent participation in all areas addressed.
Our Global Responsibility Projects combine internationalization with third mission in order to spread and transfer the knowledge generated by the University of Cologne in our local, regional and global networks and contribute to global change. Global Responsibility expresses thereby an attitude, which defines the role and the motivation of a university to act globally. It emphazises that all actions have a global impact which every individual should be aware of. It is the task of a university to generate and spread knowledge in order to overcome outdated concepts and raise global awareness.
Strategy and Structure

Institutional Structure

Regional Offices & DWIH


Coimbra Group

European University Association

China-NRW University Alliance

Ghana-NRW University Alliance

Scholars at Risk Network

UNITE Cologne

Eastern Partnership University Cluster

Türk Alman Üniversitesi / Türkisch-Deutsche Universität

UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union
Expanding internattional networks and partnerships and developing strategies and instruments to use them fruitfully at all levels of academic life, thus promoting its own transformation process, is at the heart of the UoC’s internationalization efforts. Comprehensive cooperation in research, teaching, and campus management is intensified with a limited number of selected networks and universities. Within the framework of these networks and partnerships, the UoC strives for particularly close networking, e.g. through the intensive exchange of students, doctoral researchers, scholars and scientists, and administrative staff, through joint courses, study programmes and virtual cooperation as well as through joint research and third-party funded projects.
University-wide Partnerships
Faculty-wide Partnerships
Faculty Exchange via University-Wide Partnerships
Specific Research Partnerships
Strategic Research Partners
Global Faculty
International Research Hubs
Key Profile Areas (KPAs)
Collaborative Research Centres
Clusters of Excellence
Cologne International Forum (CIF)
The Cologne International Forum (CIF) was established in 2022 in order to offer a platform to showcase, foster, and bring together the existing international activities in research and teaching at the University of Cologne and to stimulate new innovative, international cooperations.