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Work Contract, Taxation, Pension

Work Contract

Academic employees at universities conclude employment contracts with the university which state the salary scale and conditions of employment.

In Germany, however, many professors and academic staff are public servants, and they are appointed. Public servants’ salaries are laid down by the “Bundesbesoldungsgesetz” (the law regulating the salaries of public servants) and the corresponding regulations of the respective Federal State. The salary scale for professors is called “W”. In most Federal States academic staff are paid according to a collective pay agreement known as “TV-L”.

You will have to sign your employment contract before you officially start working. Your institute or the personnel department will tell you in advance which forms and documents have to be submitted in order to draw up the contract. As an employee you will usually be required to pay tax and social security contributions.





Versorgungsanstalt des Bundes und der Länder (VBL)

Die Versorgungsanstalt des Bundes und der Länder (VBL) bietet den Beschäftigten der beteiligten Arbeitgeber – wie dem Öffenlichen Dienst – eine zusätzliche Alters-, Erwerbsminderungs- und Hinterbliebenenversorgung.

Find your Pension

Find your Pension is an information platform on pensions for scientists in the public sector. The development of this portal is part of the VBL project 'Partnership for researchers'. The aim is to make the pension situation of mobile researchers more transparent and improve it: