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Further Information for Mentors and at-Risk Scholars


Science4Refugees Research Buddies


The Science4Refugees initiative and EURAXESS portal provide research refugee friendly internships, part-time and full-time jobs, access to an European Research Community, as well as a complete range of information and support services on working and living in Europe.


Photo: Steve Debenport –

Academics in Solidarity

Academics in Solidarity is a peer-mentoring program that connects exiled researchers and established scholars in Germany, Lebanon and Jordan. It seeks to create a network of solidarity, strengthen the value of cross-cultural research cooperation and open up new perspectives within the academic environment of the host country.

Experience Reports from the Horizon2020 Project "BRiDGE

If you would like to accept endangered or fugitive scientists* at your institute, please contact Dr. Heike Berner or Dr. Johannes Müller.

On the YouTube Channel of the Horizon2020 Project BRiDGE, you can view some of the experience reports that have been compiled within the framework of the project coordinated by the University of Bielefeld.

Hosting Researchers at Risk

How employers and hosts can help researchers make the most of their stay  Webinar by Inspireurope on 9 Dec., 2020

»The focus of the webinar was on how host organisations can best support researchers at risk to make the most out of their stay at the organisation, mindful of the particular needs and challenges they face. This includes the need to prepare for future career steps.«

Information, recorded webinar and presentations
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