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Erasmus+ Praktika

Your contact person for information about Erasmus Internships is different for each faculty. For a first overview in English, please contact:

Christina Roll
International Office
Raum 1.222
Tel.: 0221/ 470 - 5804
E-Mail: c.roll(at)

Erasmus: The European Union's educational program for higher education

The mobilities are supported in all program countries.

The aim is for students to gain professional experience in an international working environment and to learn about the requirements of the EU-wide labor market. Furthermore, students can enhance their key qualifications such as communication and cooperation skills, openness and knowledge of foreign cultures and markets.

Students can be funded for a compulsory internship or a voluntary internship for the duration of between two and twelve months.


Advantages of an Erasmus internship abroad

  • EU internship contract between university, company and student
  • academic recognition of the internship
  • Support during the internship by a contact person at the home university and at the company
  • Support for additional costs incurred abroad (monthly mobility grant)*.
  • Support during preparation (cultural, linguistic, organizational)
  • Special grants for students with disabilities

Requirements for an Erasmus internship abroad

  • regular enrollment at a German university
  • not eligible are internships in EU institutions and other EU bodies, including specialized agencies, as well as institutions managing EU programs





Grant rates


Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom

555 €/month, or 18.50 €/day



Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain

495 €/month, or 16.50 €/day



Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, FYR Macedonia, Czech Republic, Turkey, Hungary and Serbia

435 €/month, or 14,50 €/day


Contact persons:

For funding of internships within the Erasmus program, students of the follwing faculties:

Faculty of Human Sciences,

Faculty of Medicine,

Faculty of Law,

WiSo Faculty

please contact the ZiBs in your faculty directly!

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

please contact the Erasmus coordinators of the individual subject groups:

Faculty of Arts and Humanities

please contact directly the International Office - Department 93 International Mobility,

Contact person: Christina Roll, M.A


Application and Requirements


As an enrolled student at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities you can apply for an internship grant from Erasmus funds at the International Office. All other students please contact the ZiB of your faculty directly!

The internship must last at least 2 months and be completed in another European country. You look for your internship place yourself in companies, vocational training institutions, research centers and other organizations (e.g. also Goethe Institutes). Excluded are: National diplomatic missions as well as EU institutions and those that administer EU programs (full list at

You can start the internship at any time, regardless of semester times. It must either be compulsory or recommended in the study regulations or be classified as qualifying for a profession.

In addition, graduates / postgraduates can be funded for an internship abroad up to 12 months after graduation. You must still be enrolled at the time of application. Furthermore, the same regulations (application, selection, mobility grant) apply as for students.

Application to the International Office

Please apply at least two months before the planned start of the internship. Early application is recommended due to limited funding. Please submit your application as one PDF document to the following email address: erasmus_students(at)

Application documents:

  • Letter of motivation
  • curriculum vitae
  • Certificate of study (copy)
  • List of all graded certificates/examinations (Transcript of Records)
  • Job description of the internship position (self-written)
  • Confirmation of the internship position (e.g. email correspondence) with indication of the exact internship period

Selection criteria:

  • Motivation
  • Connection to the study program
  • academic performance
  • Quality of the internship position and the internship project



The grant amount depends on the respective country group of your destination country (see above) If your internship is remunerated, you can still apply for an Erasmus scholarship.

Erasmus is designed to promote equal opportunities and inclusion. For this reason, special funds are available for students with disability(ies) and chronic illnesses as well as for students with child(ren). We will be happy to advise you on this. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

When you start your scholarship, you agree to sign a Grant Agreement and a Learning Agreement for Traineeships. Furthermore, you must take an online language test in the working language before the start of the internship as well as after the end of the internship.

After the internship abroad, you are required to submit a progress report and participate in an online survey (EU Survey) of the EU Commission.

Erasmus-funded internships abroad should always have a recognizable connection to your studies. However, there is no legal entitlement to Erasmus funding.


Online Language Support

The online language test is available for the various official European languages. However, it is not a selection criterion for funding in the Erasmus program. Native speakers are not required to take the language test. Once the Erasmus participants have been selected, the language test should serve as a placement test to document their current language level. It should take place both before their stay abroad and at the end of the respective stay abroad in order to obtain comparable results and, if necessary, to be able to record the progress made by the funded participants in their language acquisition.


Learning Agreement for Traineeships

If you are interested in an internship abroad, you probably have it in mind to increase your intercultural skills and improve your language skills. You should start by making a list of what you can bring to the table, your interests and areas of study. And you should draw up a picture of the industry and work environment in which you want to work and learn, so that the internship abroad can be a success for you. The more specific your own ideas are, the easier it will be for your employers.

If you are funded by Erasmus, the Learning Agreement for Traineeships, which must be signed by you, the host institution and the University of Cologne as soon as you have been accepted for Erasmus funding, will help you to do this. A detailed work description is also an orientation for you in advance.

You will also receive, if the internship is not shown in the Diploma Supplement or the Transcript of Records, a Europass Mobility documenting your internship achievements.


Experience Report

Upon completion of your internship, you are required to submit an experience report that summarizes your experience abroad. The length should be 1-2 DinA4 pages.

Important information that should be included in the experience report is:

  • Your process: How did you find the internship, what criteria were important?
  • Characterization of the company
  • Was there a project description in advance?
  • Activities
  • Qualifications, new knowledge, feedback from the employer
  • Comparison expectations - experiences
  • Practical tips for organization and implementation



The recognition of the internship abroad is agreed upon in the "Learning Agreement for Traineeships". You can obtain preliminary information from your faculty or ZIB.



We would like to point out that you must have health, accident and liability insurance for the duration of the internship abroad! If there is no insurance coverage through the internship institution, you have to take care for sufficient insurance coverage yourself. One possibility would be the group insurance of the DAAD (tariff 720, currently 32 €/month). You can find the application form here:



Erasmus+: Das Bildungsprogramm der Europäischen Union für den Hochschulbereich

Innerhalb des Erasmus+ Programms werden auch Praktika von Studierenden in Unternehmen, Institutionen und Organisationen im europäischen Ausland gefördert.


Die Aufenthalte werden in allen Programmländern gefördert.

Ziel ist es, dass Studierende in einem internationalen Arbeitsumfeld Berufserfahrung sammeln können und die Anforderungen des EU weiten Arbeitsmarktes kennenlernen. Des Weiteren können die Studierenden ihre Schlüsselqualifikationen wie Kommunikations- und Kooperationsfähigkeit, Offenheit und Kenntnisse über fremde Kulturen und Märkte erweitern.

Studierende können für ein Pflichtpraktikum oder ein freiwilliges Praktikum zwischen zwei und zwölf Monaten gefördert werden.

Vorteile eines Erasmus+ Praktikums im Ausland

  • EU-Praktikumsvertrag zwischen Hochschule, Unternehmen und Studierendem
  • akademische Anerkennung des Praktikums
  • Begleitung während des Praktikums durch je einen Ansprechpartner an der Heimathochschule und im Unternehmen
  • Förderung auslandsbedingter Mehrkosten (monatlicher Mobilitätszuschuss)*
  • Unterstützung bei der Vorbereitung (kulturell, sprachlich, organisatorisch)
  • Sonderzuschüsse für Studierende mit Behinderung (ab GdB 20) und/oder chronischer Erkrankung, sowie Studierende mit Kind(ern)

Voraussetzungen für ein Erasmus+ Auslandspraktikum

  • reguläre Immatrikulation an einer deutschen Hochschule
  • nicht förderbar sind Praktika in EU-Institutionen und anderen EU-Einrichtungen, einschließlich spezialisierter Agenturen, sowie Einrichtungen, die EU-Programme verwalten


Hinweise zum Brexit

Für Studierende, deren Auslandspraktikum im Vereinigten Königreich stattfinden soll, gelten besondere Förderbedingungen. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns für weitere Informationen frühzeitig (d.h. mindestens 4 Monate vor Praktikumsbeginn)!

Realkostenantrag für Studierende mit Kind(ern) und Studierende mit GdB 

Studierende der o.g. Zielgruppen haben die Möglichkeit eine Bezuschussung der realen zusätzlichen Kosten der Auslandsmobilität von bis zu 15.000 € pro Semester zu beantragen.

Hierfür ist eine Beantragung beim DAAD erforderlich. Da es sich um ein sehr umfangreiches Antragsverfahren handelt, informieren uns interessierte Studierende bitte frühzeitig (idealerweise zum Zeitpunkt der Bewerbung um einen Austauschplatz) über Wir unterstützen Sie gerne m Antragsverfahren. 



Bei der Förderung von Praktika im Rahmen des Erasmus Programms wenden Sie sich Studierende der

Humanwissenschaftlichen Fakultät,
Medizinischen Fakultät,
Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät,

bitte direkt an die ZiBs in Ihrer Fakultät!!!!

Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät

bitte an die Erasmus-KoordinatorInnen der einzelnen Fachgruppen:

Philosophischen Fakultät 

bitte direkt an das Dezernat Internationales - Abteilung 93 Internationale Mobilität,
Ansprechpartnerin: Annika Schwarz, M.A.


Bewerbung und Voraussetzung