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Virtual Exchange Projects 2020/2021

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EduVEnture Cologne unites 13 transnational teaching projects from three faculties of the University of Cologne, which align by and large with standards set by the EU ERASMUS+Virtual Exchange. Virtual Exchange is a special form of Virtual Mobililty, distinguished by an emphasis on peer-to-peer interaction and intercultural exchange.

In particular, the courses share the following characteristics:

  • digital based teaching scenarios, offered within a normal study program, that is allowing full accreditation in the curriculum

  • co-taught by a Cologne based lecturer and by one or more lecturers from international partner-universities

  • collaborative courses with peer-to-peer interaction (lecturers and students alike)

  • interculturally informed didactic approaches

  • innovative scientific contents

These courses were made possible thanks to funding of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) through the IVAC-Program (International Virtual Academic Cooperation). EduVEnture Cologne is a joint project of all lecturers involved and of the International Office.

EduVEnture Cologne wants to raise awareness for the advantages and merits of the concept of Virtual Exchange, both for students and lecturers. It intends to promote the format of Virtual Exchange courses as a standard of transnational teaching with the aim to encourage faculties and institutes to add VE-courses as a regular option to their teaching offers. In the long run, VE-courses should become a regular element of all curricula.