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New York Office

(University of Cologne New York Office Corp.)

In early 2011 the University of Cologne opened its representation in North America.  The New York office reports to the award-winning International Office and Pro-Rectorate for International Affairs.

The University of Cologne New York Office assists with cultivating partnerships with North American partner universities, organizes delegation visits and serves as a first point of contact for faculty and students in the United States and Canada who are interested in the UoC.  It assists with the organization of the University of Cologne’s summer school in New York and reaches out to the University’s network of German and international alumni residing in the United States or Canada. The office frequently attends higher education conferences and is a member in NAFSA and IIE, as well as a main supporter of the German Centers for Research and Innovation (DWIH) New York and San Francisco.

Since September 2014 a board oversees the activities of the New York Office as it is now incorporated in the state of New York. Partners include the German Foreign Office, the German Embassy D.C., the German Consulate New York, the German Permanent Mission to the UN, German Center for Research and Innovation, Columbia University Medical School, NYU Stern, NYU Deutsches Haus, DAAD, DFG, GAIN, GSO and the offices of other German research institutions, grant makers and fellowship organizations in the US and Canada. The office organizes panels and interviews for outreach purposes with faculty members.




Annual Report of
Uoc‘s North America Activities 2023

By Dr. Eva Bosbach | Christiane Biehl, M.A.

Download the 2023 report (PDF)

Download previous reports (PDF)


Dr. Eva Bosbach, head of the UoC Liaison Office in New York Photo: Nathalie Schueller


Dr. Bosbach, Eva
Executive Director

German House
871 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017, USA
Phone: + 1. 212.758-5893

Contact in Cologne:

Biehl, Christiane
Head of Department 'International Mobility'
International Office
Phone 0221/ 470 - 2769


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