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Scholarship for Enhanced Equal Opportunities (STIBET-Project)

Scholarship for Equal Opportunities

Who can apply?

International students of all disciplines enrolled in a Bachelor's, Master's, or Doctoral program at the University of Cologne who face special challenges may apply to the International Office for a "Scholarship for Equal Opportunities."

The criteria for funding are:

  • Academic performance or progress in doctoral studies
  • Financial situation of the student
  • Proof (in German or English) of special challenges and personal circumstances

What are special challenges (including required documentation):

Refugee background

  • Proof of asylum application or other documentation of refugee status; copy of current residency status; for refugees from third countries: copy of the last residence permit or other official documents from the country you fled from. It is essential that your refugee status is clearly evident.

Disability degree (at least 50%)

  • Proof of a disability degree of at least 50% (severely disabled person's ID) or a medical certificate confirming the disability.

Chronic illness

  • Medical certificate confirming the chronic illness with a description of the associated limitations.

Pregnancy with complications

  • Medical certificate confirming the pregnancy with a description of the associated limitations.

Caring for minor child(ren) in your own household (especially single parents)

  • Birth certificate(s) of the child/children with a description of the associated limitations.

Special care situation for dependent relatives

  • Proof of the dependent relative(s): registration certificate showing the address of the dependent person; birth certificate proving the relationship.

The scholarships amount to up to 992 EUR per month and can be awarded for a maximum of four months. The duration and amount of the scholarship depend on the available funds.

The approval and duration are granted based on the student's situation and the respective financial situation of the university.

Application documents:

•    Tabular Curriculum Vitae (CV)
•    Letter of application, incl. description of the challenges during your studies (max. 1 page in German or English)
•    Current Transcript of Records (for Bachelor’s and Master’s student; for PhD students a recommendation letter from the supervisor)
•    Proof of study financing
•    Proof of the special challenges (see above)

Applications must be submitted by October 20, 2024, in a single PDF file (max. 5 MB).

Application form:

Only complete and formally correct applications will be considered.

For questions, feel free to contact Jens Axel Funk from the support team:

Notes on awarding the scholarship

  • In general, scholarship holders are allowed to work while receiving the scholarship. The maximum limit for scholarship payments and additional income is 1,472 euros for students.
  • If you receive another scholarship, additional funding up to the amount of a full scholarship is permitted. Beyond that, the STIBET scholarship must be reduced accordingly.
  • If you receive social benefits (unemployment benefits, housing benefits, etc.), please discuss in advance with your respective contact person whether and to what extent the scholarship will be offset against your social benefits. There is no offsetting with BAföG.
  • Previous recipients of STIBET special scholarships for Ukraine may apply again; however, the previous funding months will be counted toward the maximum funding duration of 12 months. Simultaneous funding with a graduation scholarship is excluded.
  • There is no entitlement to funding. Applicants will be notified in writing of the selection result. Individual reasons for funding or rejection will not be provided.

The scholarships are awarded by the DAAD with funds from the German Federal Foreign Office.