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Quality Conferences

A central element of Q³UoC are the quality conferences (Q conferences for short), which generally take place every two years for each degree programme. They are an opportunity to discuss the further development of teaching and learning. The quality conference can be used to further develop already established discussion forums, such as existing degree programme committees.

Continuous monitoring

In preparation for the quality conferences, Q³ provides the degree programme coordinators with the results of the degree programme and module surveys in a long and a short report, as well as the results of the graduate survey and the initial study survey, if available. In the survey results, Q³ highlights potential strengths and weaknesses with the greatest potential for development. The degree programme coordinators document the proposed solutions in the short report template, which can be downloaded from the QM portal, as well as the Guidelines for Q conferences. If a weakness is found to be unproblematic, there will also be a note in the template explaining why. The completed documentation is forwarded to Q³ via the Dean’s Office after the Q conference. The Faculty QM can use these to track the extent to which highlighted topics are discussed, any measures developed and their effects reflected upon. If the Faculty QM recognize that

  • a problem remains unresolved,
  • a measure is not implemented or
  • remains ineffective despite implementation,

they can send reminders to address problems, develop countermeasures and implement them. Q³ supports monitoring by marking results that have been highlighted in previous surveys and show no development.

The effectiveness of Q³UoC is enhanced by discussing issues and problems at a level where they can be addressed directly. If issues cannot be solved in the quality conferences, they can be marked in the template and forwarded by the Faculty QM to the next higher level of action (the Faculty). The issue will then be discussed in the Faculty quality conference. In a similar way, overarching topics from the Faculty quality conferences can be passed on to the next level of action (the Rectorate or central service facilities).