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QM Dialogue

Procedure and aim of the QM dialogue

The QM dialogue is a format for the systematic, transparent and data-based evaluation of a study programme in the form of a structured exchange between external reviewers and UoC representatives. It is a constructive dialogue with Critical Friends.

As part of the QM dialogue, a panel of experts assesses the fulfilment of specified quality criteria in the degree programme. To this end, the external reviewers engage in moderated discussions with representatives of the Faculty, the department and the students. In addition to discussing and evaluating quality criteria relevant to accreditation, the focus is on critical and constructive discussions about the design of a new programme or the further development of an existing one.

Prior to the QM dialogue ...

...  and the Faculty QM coordinate the process. Q³ asks for external reviewers on the basis of a list approved by the Rectorate and prepares the QM dialogue:

  • Providing necessary documents (e.g. self-report on the degree programme)
  • Obtaining preliminary opinions
  • Preliminary discussion with reviewers
  • Preliminary discussion with Faculty & subject representatives

After the QM dialogue ...

... the result of the QM dialogue is recorded in a report. The reviewers make suggestions and provide advice to support the further development of the degree programme. They can hand in suggestions for conditions or recommendations. The subject representatives are given the opportunity to write a statement on the report before it is first submitted to the Accreditation Commission for a recommendation and later to the Rectorate for a decision.

In the diagram, you can find the QM dialogue in the cycle of quality development and reaccreditation as well as all the regular events for implementing the quality criteria in teaching and learning.

The process of further development and reaccreditation is completed by all degree programmes within a maximum of eight years. The reaccreditation procedure marks the end of a cycle, which is immediately followed by the next cycle.

UoC members can find all relevant documents for the preparation of the QM dialogue at Downloads.

Help shape the future and become an internal reviewer

Are you familiar with the structures and processes at the UoC? Do you like to think outside the box and take an interdisciplinary, external perspective? Would you like to share best-practice examples from your field and provide inspiration? Then get in touch with us.

We are always happy to hear from Q³UoC experts who would like to support our internal accreditation procedures and especially the QM dialogues as internal experts. Find out more...