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Evaluationssoftware evasys

Aktuelles für Nutzer*innen

Ab sofort erhalten Sie im Download-Bereich unter dem Punkt „evasys“ die folgenden Dokumente:

  • Beispiele für Textvorlagen
  • Checkliste & Anleitung Systembereinigung
  • Datenschutz & evasys
  • Vorlage Verarbeitungsverzeichnis
  • Kurzdokumentation evasys-KLIPS-Schnittstelle

Evaluation software evasys

With the help of the software evasys used at the University of Cologne, courses of the Faculties as well as further education, consulting, workshop, information, coaching and service offers of the central institutions can be evaluated. In addition, since the pandemic-related changeover, evasys has been used in committee work (e.g. in appointment committees, Faculty/department meetings etc.). With the provision of the evaluation software evasys (campus model), Faculties and central institutions of the University of Cologne are supported by Q³ especially in the area of the evaluation of studies and teaching according to Section 7 (subsection 2) and Section 4 HG NRW. In order to grant the employees' interests worthy of protection, a service agreement was concluded between the University of Cologne and the staff councils.