![Die Zukunftsstadt](/typo3temp/assets/images/____csm_forschungsmagazin_titel_012015_faf9c00e1b_599373fe456d6a967a8fde7d0e8bb28d.jpg)
Die Zukunftsstadt
Ausgabe 01/2015
How Can People Live a Good Life in Old Age? A representative survey wants to find out more about the diversity of life in old age. Its findings may challenge widespread assumptions about aging.
Which role can fish play in aging research? A big one, if you ask Dario Valenzano. He does research on killifish, an extraordinarily short-lived vertebrate.
Professor Aleksandra Trifunovic, Principal Investigator at the Cluster of Excellence on Aging Research CECAD, searches for molecular causes of aging-associated diseases.
A new language, soft skills or an entire study program: people can learn until old age. At the University of Cologne, researchers are investigating how elderly people learn.