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[This content is not available in "Englisch" yet] Foto: Fabian Stürtz Photo: Fabian Stürtz

Cultural Activities and Sports at the University

Calendar of Events

The Calendar of Events offers an overview of all current guest lectures, theatre performances, musical events, guided tours, exhibitions and much more.
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Different ensembles offer a rich musical programme – to enjoy and to participate in.

Studio Stage

The Studio Stage (Studiobühne) offers spaces for creative experimentation. Every semester, the Studio Stage offers workshops and seminars from the areas theatre, film and photography. Its productions are widely recognized – beyond the university. The full programme is available online. 
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Kölncampus is a student radio broadcasting station: the editorial team is composed entirely of students, and students organize the daily programme. All students enrolled at a university or college in Cologne can participate. It is also open to university employees. The full programme is available online.
Further information (Ger.)


Our broad offer includes different mass and health-oriented  sports, a comprehensive course programme, and special events. We promote the dual careers of top athletes and host a modern gym. 

Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln

Im Rahmen der Third Mission der Universität trägt die Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln dazu bei, die Erkenntnisgewinne der Forschung in die Breite zu tragen und richtet Veranstaltungen wie Ausstellungen, Lesungen, Vorträge und Podiumsdiskussionen aus. Um ein hochrangiges Kulturprogramm anbieten zu können arbeitet sie regelmäßig eng mit regionalen und überregionalen Kulturträgern zusammen und ist durch ihr Engagement zu einer etablierten kulturellen Einrichtung in Köln geworden.

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Wissensdurst (Thirst for Knowledge)

The science portal Wissensdurst is an initiative of the Kölner Wissenschaftsrunde, the network of the city’s colleges and universities. The portal offers comprehensive information about the wide range of science and research activities in Cologne and its vicinity.
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