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Dr.‘ Anabel Kuntz

Personal Aide to the Vice-Rector, in particular regarding the topic area "Academic career".

Main focus:
Accompanying all strategic developments in the area of academic staff, currently

  • Career paths for researchers in the PostDoc phase
  • Guideline on Permanent Employment Opportunities for Academic and Artistic staff at the University of Cologne and its implementation
  • Coordination of the EU audit HRS4R (Human Resources Strategy for Researchers)
  • Contact person for the "Contract on Good Employment Conditions" and its evaluation
  • Project management PUMA (University of Cologne mail application for staff)

Personal information
After graduating in sociology, German language and literature, as well as social and cultural anthropology, Anabel Kuntz was granted a full scholarship in the DFG Research Training Group "Social order and life chances" at the UoC’s Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences.  In 2014, she completed her doctorate on "Sexual prejudice in Europe. Comparative Perspectives." She then was a post-doctoral researcher at Eldad Davidov’s chair at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Zurich. After holding several positions in the private sector, including scientific monitoring and evaluation of projects in the health and social sector as well as market research, she worked as a strategy and evaluation manager in the department of Strategy and Evaluations in Division 1 for Strategy and Academic Affairs from September 2019 to September 2022. Addiotionally, she worked in the team for evaluations at UoC’s  Zentrum für Lehrer*innenbildung from the beginning of 2020 to mid-2021. Since October 2022, she has been supporting the Prorectorate as a personal aide in a matrix function with Division 4 Human Resources.

phone: +49 221 470-1967