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Quality objectives and criteria

Quality objectives: Teaching and learning

In addition to the mission and vision of the UoC, which is currently in the process of developing the University Strategy Plan (HEP), the mission statement teaching and learning forms the basis for the current quality objectives of teaching and learning. These are presented in the following table and relate to the stakeholders themselves, their knowledge, skills, attitudes and competencies as well as the teaching-learning formats.


Quality criteria teaching and learning at the UoC

In order to implement and evaluate the understanding of quality in teaching and learning, a catalogue of quality criteria (Q criteria) for teaching and learning was developed on the basis of the mission statement and the study accreditation regulation. The principles of the mission statement and the resulting quality objectives of teaching and learning as well as the relevant legal requirements have been operationalized through the quality criteria of teaching and learning. They are assigned to six thematic headings:

Legally specified quality criteria (according to StudakVO NRW)

The quality criteria for teaching and studying at the UoC were developed on the basis of the mission statement and the study accreditation regulation. The legally specified quality criteria can be found below: