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Transnational Meetings

ACCENT Meeting October 2022


The kick-off meeting was held in Granada during October 2022. The predominant objective was to discuss the ultimate content of the working packages. Every partner introduced their institution, with an emphasis on its start-up ecosystem and its efforts in supporting international or refugee students and female empowerment. Additionally, there were deliberations covering administrative and management issues. 

ACCENT Meeting May 2023


For the second transnational meeting, the three partner universities met in Cologne in May 2023. The main objective was to develop the questionnaires, in addition to visiting the Gateway Exzellenz Start-Up Centre and meeting the start-up Socialbnb.

ACCENT Meeting April 2024


The second interim meeting was held in Pavia in April 2024. We discussed the results of our interviews and finalised the preparation of the handbooks. We also got to know the start-up ecosystem at the University of Pavia.