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Studienstart International integrale
during the first semester of a degree programme

During the first semester of your degree programme, you are required to also complete Studienstart International integrale, which is designed to support you at the beginning of your studies.

In addition to subject-specific German courses, you will also attend seminars on intercultural awareness and study skills. Orientation events and intensive support complement Studienstart International integrale.

This will help you to feel at home at the University and in the city of Cologne.

Studienstart International integrale is credited to the compulsory Studium Integrale part of your Bachelor’s degree programme.

You can register for further subject-related events of your choice with the support of your Faculty’s student counselling services.

During this semester, you will be counselled by the staff of Studienstart International. They will be happy to answer any questions you may have.


The following Faculties are currently participating:

Faculty of Human Sciences
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Faculty of Management, Economics, and Social Sciences


At the Faculty of Medicine, you will take part in Studienstart International: Medicine. You can also find your curriculum on the website of Studienstart International: Medicine.

You have questions about the contents of Studienstart International?
Please e-mail us at:

You have questions about your application?
Please use this contact form.