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LEAD! Mentorship for the Scholarship Holders

Prof. Dr. Jenny Cepeda

Dr Jenny Cepeda is a Senior Researcher at IMTSAG-UNIBE, specialising in diabetes and clinical nutrition. With a Master's degree in Clinical Nutrition from INTEC and a specialisation in Diabetology and Nutrition from INDEN, she is an active member of the National Career of Researchers in the Dominican Republic and works as a Professor of Research and Diploma Projects at UNIBE. She also teaches Dietherapy to specialists and Masters students in Clinical Nutrition at INTEC. 
In terms of international collaborations, she is the team leader of the course on writing research proposals for Latin America at the University of Cologne, Germany. 
She is also involved in projects such as the development of a mobile application called Diabetes-Azul for people with type 1 diabetes. Dr Cepeda also works with the Diabetes and Nutrition Department of the CEMDOE, where she coordinates courses on diabetes and pregnancy, as well as specialised nutrition workshops for diabetes.