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Application procedure for Non-EU-Citizens with indirect University Entrance Qualification

Studienstart International plus

The following application procedure is applicable to Non-EU-citizens.

Exception: Non-EU/EEA citizens who have the same admission status as Germans or EU/EEA citizens cannot apply for the programme Studienstart International plus. You would have to attend a regular preparatory college (Studienkolleg). You are holding a university entrance qualification for German higher education institutions (EU/EEA secondary school or university degree). OR: You are resident in Germany and are married to a German or EU/EEA national (also applies to registered civil partnerships) or can prove a direct lineal relationship with an EU/EEA national resident in Germany (Artikel 2 Nr. 2 der Richtlinie 2004/38/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 29. April 2004).

If your secondary school leaving certificate is not recognized in Germany as a general or subject-specific entrance qualification, we offer you an alternative procedure to gain admission. You may apply for the University of Cologne Entrance Exam (in German: the so called Zugangsprüfung).

Whether your secondary school leaving certificate is recognized in Germany and conforms to the German university entrance qualification can be checked here:

Please note: Applications are only possible with a valid TestAS certificate.