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Finding accomodation in Cologne is difficult! Find out about the housing situation as early as possible on our websites and get in touch with students from Cologne.

Application Procedure for EU-Citizens


The following application procedure is applicable to EU-Citizens and EEA-citizens (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway)

Exception: The procedure is also applicable for Non-EU/EEA-citizens, who are on equal admission terms as German or EU/EEA-citizens: You are holding a university entrance qualification for German higher education institutions (EU/EEA secondary school or university degree). OR: You are resident in Germany and are married to a German or EU/EEA national (also applies to registered civil partnerships) or can prove a direct lineal relationship with an EU/EEA national resident in Germany (Artikel 2 Nr. 2 der Richtlinie 2004/38/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 29. April 2004).

All documents for the application are to be submitted as an upload to the Klips basic account.