Cologne Summer School on Migration in August 2023
This summer, 33 students from countries all over the world attended the Cologne Summer School 2023: Argentina, Belgium, Greece, India, Italy, Cameroon, Colombia, Mexico, Namibia, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Ukraine and the USA. A special feature of the CSS is its hybrid concept, which gave 12 students the opportunity to follow the seminars online via Zoom from their home countries. In this way, those who were not able to travel to Cologne were also given an opportunity to participate. We are very proud of the successful implementation of the hybrid concept and are excited to share with you the highlights of the Summer School which took place from August 13-31, 2023.
The subject of the Cologne Summer School 2023 was "Migration. Human Mobility in a Global Perspective". Human mobility across the globe has become an essential aspect of modern societies: We tackled the topic of migration in its multifaceted aspects and effects with diverse disciplinary approaches from a global point of view. In Economics, Legal and Social Sciences, History, Arts, and Humanities, we explored the causes and conditions for different forms of migration. The sessions included questions about migration policies, nation-states, ethnic diversity, and social cohesion. Moreover, we examined the relationship between colonial history and (forced) migration of the 21st century. We asked what an international perspective – beyond the regional and national – contributes to the research on migration.
Lecturers from UoC and partner universities presented and discussed concepts and case studies from different disciplinary fields during the first part of the academic program: The morning seminars took place only onsite and the afternoon sessions were in a hybrid setting for onsite and online students. The second part of the academic program consisted of presentations followed by a Q&A with guest speakers from NGOs, study trips, and site visits to local institutions situated in Cologne. A student project with a group presentation at the end of the Summer School reflected on and deepened the insights into human mobility from a global perspective. The diverse onsite and online social and cultural program provided many opportunities for the participants to get to know each other and the city of Cologne. Explore our website and read more about this year's program highlights and first hand impressions of our participants!
I can confidently say that the summer school was a transformative and enriching experience. It equipped me with not only knowledge but also the skills and perspective needed to make a meaningful contribution in the field of migration. As someone deeply interested in the field of migration, this program exceeded my expectations in every way.
The lectures, discussions, interactions, fun tasks, and the buddy program never made me feel that I had been sitting before the computer for 4 hours. It was the first time I was studying with students from all over the world. They offered me some entirely new perspectives of seeing things which I could never have received otherwise.
My experience in the summer school was nothing short of enlightening. This program not only expanded my knowledge but also opened doors to a world of exposure and intercultural enrichment. One of the most remarkable aspects of the program was the diverse international cohort it brought together. I had the opportunity to connect with fellow students from various countries and ethnic backgrounds, each contributing unique perspectives and experiences. This intercultural exchange knew no bounds, allowing me to gain profound insights into migration-related issues that transcended geographical boundaries.
The hybrid summer school program has been a game-changer because it has bridged the gap between traditional classroom learning and online education in the most remarkable way. The program allowed online students like me to benefit from a more immersive and interactive learning environment and also demonstrated a commitment to inclusivity and accessibility. It accommodated students and instructors from various geographical locations, ensuring that no one was left behind due to physical distance.
This online program was a remarkable experience. The activities were thoroughly planned, and the logistics behind it were impressive. The topics and the lectures offered a wide array of perspectives and introduced innovative and thought provoking researchers to us. It was a truly smooth, enriching, and well put together couple of weeks that have definitely left a positive impact in my academic life. Hopefully, I will get to be part of the program in the future again.
The summer school was a great experience. I got to learn so many things, not only about migration but also about Germany and other countries.

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Jukka Jokela M.A. (pronouns he/him)
Project Manager Cologne Summer Schools
Telephone +49-221-470 1394
E-mail CologneSummerSchools[at]verw.uni-koeln.de