In a nutshell: Overview of fields of action, goals and measures
Field of action Research
- Expanding research in the fields of action of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and setting priorities
Goals (success indicators)
- Excellent researchers and research on the topics of the SDGs are promoted (publications)
Specific measures
- Positioning of core topics and research centres at the UoC (Clusters of Excellence, Key Profile Areas, EUniWell) that are relevant with regard to the SDGs
- Establishing transdisciplinary interaction platforms with the participation of all six Faculties
- Establishing a centre with new, interdisciplinary research approaches to sustainability topics
Field of action Teaching and Studies
Enabling and promoting knowledge and skills acquisition in the SDG fields of action.
Goals (success indicators)
- The UoC develops and implements additional curricular and extracurricular offers on SDG topics (teaching-learning offers, theses).
Specific measures
- Raising the profile of the UoC’s study and teaching/learning programmes, including the development and establishment of new degree programmes thematically linked to sustainability in the sense of the SDGs.
- Embedding sustainability topics in vocational training programmes (teaching, medicine, law)
- Developing and establishing an innovative, interdisciplinary study and teaching/learning offer thematically linked to sustainability in the sense of the SDGs (arising from the research of the Centre).
Field of action Commitment and Transfer
- Promoting engagement in the fields of action of the SDGs and disseminating them in society.
Goals (success indicators)
- Cooperation with non-scientific practice is visible in the thematic fields of the SDGs (projects).
Specific measures include
- promoting innovations and start-ups linked to sustainability,
- expert mediation and policy advice linked to sustainability,
- creating further open formats (such as citizen science) that tie in with sustainability
Field of action Organization & Operations
- Recording and reducing the University's greenhouse gas emissions and making campus operations more sustainable in the sense of the SDGs.
Goals (success indicators)
- The consumption of fossil fuels is consistently and significantly reduced with the goal of climate neutrality (emissions).
Specific measures
- introducing sustainable energy and climate protection management (energy efficiency, expansion of photovoltaics, greening of facades, etc.),
- implementing space-efficient working
- compiling and implementing a "Roadmap for Sustainable Campus Operations”
Overarching measures
- active networking of actors, competence building and support of commitment through network structures as well as internal integration of students, faculty and staff,
- awarding and increased communication of achievements to embed sustainability through a university sustainability prize, web and social media, press and public relations work and events
- creating support structures and governance mechanisms in the form of new responsibilities: Vice-Rector for Sustainability, Sustainability Council and Sustainability Office as well as in the network,
- promoting early-career researchers through Humboldtⁿ (fellowships, lecture series, summer schools) and EUniWell (mobility, seed funding),
- establishing sustainability reporting, including quality assurance, in the area of teaching and learning the management system Q³UzK, and evaluation, including through participation in rankings (e.g. THE-Impact) as well as regular sustainability reports including quantification of greenhouse gas emissions and energy balance.