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Coimbra Group

Since 2017, the University of Cologne has been a member of the Coimbra Group, a network of 41 renowned European universities.

Founded in 1985, the aim of the network is to promote academic and cultural relations and internationalization in order to further develop the excellence of its member universities in teaching and research, as well as to assume (local and global) social responsibility. The group also aims to influence European education and research policy, develop best-practice strategies through the mutual exchange of experience, and thus actively contribute to shaping the European academic landscape.

Through the Poitiers Declaration, signed in 2016, the respective cities are also to be included in the cooperation.

Signing of the Poitiers Declaration for the City of Cologne: Lord Mayor Henriette Reker and Rector of the University of Cologne, Prof. Dr. Axel Freimuth

The main forums for exchange and joint activities are the 12 multidisziplinären Working Groups.


The activities of the Coimbra Group also include:


Contact at the International Office of the University of Cologne:
Christiane Biehl