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Hiking Tour "Bergisches Land"

Event for international students | Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Do you want to get to know the area around Cologne (better)? Do you like being outdoors and moving around? Then come along on our hike in the “Bergisches Land”!

The Bergisches Land is located east of Cologne and is known for its beautiful forests, green mountains, reservoirs and varied panoramic views. 

If you are interested in exercising in nature, experiencing places outside of Cologne as well as getting to know other students, feel free to sign up for our day trip!

When: Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Meeting point: at 12 pm at "Köln Hauptbahnhof", then about 30 minutes by DB train (more information will follow after the registration)
Language: German and English
Participants: max. 20 participants

Hike: The hike will take place in the surroundings of Cologne, further information will follow. We will walk about 6 km in about 2 hours. We will take a break in between. The hike is easy and suitable for beginners. The walking speed will not be too fast, but we will walk faster than on a leisurely stroll. A certain level of athleticism is therefore required.

Please note: The walk will take place in all weathers (except thunderstorms, heavy rain etc.)!

Registration: Please register here. We will then send you further information after your registration!