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Grant Writing & Management – An Insight into the German Research Landscape

24th - 25th November 2022 | Online workshop


Organizers: University of Cologne (UoC), and Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) Regional Offices, India

Target Audience: Young researchers (Final year Ph.D. and post-doctoral researchers) from India & South Asia.


The concept of the workshop is to illustrate the methods and technical know-how required to prepare successful international research proposals irrespective of a certain disciplinary field.

The workshop will cover topics varying from content development of a research proposal to budget planning and will be organized in two phases. Experts from the University of Cologne (UoC), and Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) will address the interested researchers.

  • Phase I will cover the basics of writing a grant and fellowship application. Phase I of the workshop will be organized on 24-25 November 2022.
  • Phase II is planned to be organised in February 2023 that will provide individual guidance and review to the few selected participants from Phase 1. 

University of Cologne Regional Office New Delhi
Dr. Amisha Jain



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