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Emergence of the Q³UoC system

On the way to a comprehensive QM system for studying, teaching and learning, the UoC was able to draw on established processes and structures. Between 2013 and 2015, it set the first course for quality management across all Faculties with model accreditation. The model accreditation was the direct result of the changeover to the Bachelor's and Master's structure and the successful attempt starting from scratch. Thus, bringing forward and postponing all re-accreditations to a common point in order to establish structural features that are the same across all Faculties. The model ‘Studying in Cologne’ forms the basis for the study programme concepts and structures at the UoC and is a preliminary stage of today's Q³UoC system.

On 5 November 2019, the application for the system accreditation was initiated. Since 2020, the UoC's stakeholders in the Quality Development and System Accreditation Arena have dedicated themselves to the design of the UoC's QM system for the area of study, teaching and learning. In the process, it has been possible to establish the basic pillars of the system, the quality criteria teaching and learning as well as the processes, structures and relevant player functions and to test these in the pilot phase. In this way, it has already been possible to establish an understanding for and a culture of quality in studying, teaching and learning. The result is the Q³UoC system presented here, which also includes the how of designing these processes and structures.


Q³UoC is a central instrument for implementing the vision and goals of the UoC. The quality goals and quality criteria teaching and learning on the basis of the mission statement form the basis. They are constantly being developed further, as is the quality culture. The following ambitious principles characterize the Q³UoC system and its functionality, preserve it and develop it further. These principles are the inspiration for advancing quality development, the continuous improvement of the system, the quality culture and the quality of studying, teaching and learning in practice and for achieving sustainability in a comprehensive sense.


Quality in teaching and learning is thus geared towards continuous and future-oriented efforts to achieve the quality criteria teaching and learning and the quality objectives teaching and learning as well as the implementation of the principles of the system in everyday practice.