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Establishing a New Degree Programme and Accreditation

The core processes ‘Establishment and accreditation’, ‘Further development and reaccreditation’ and ‘Discontinuation’ of a degree programme were designed by the Faculties, the central units and the Q³ team. The processes were divided into phases, which contain steps that build on each other.

Various visuals were developed to help readers understand the process:

  • For the establishment and development of a new programme, the process overview summarizes how the (sub)processes and their phases are linked and in which order they take place.
  • The Swimlane diagrams show the processes in detail, including all dependencies, responsibilities and documents. They will be published soon in the UoC process portal.
  • A simple, step-by-step description of the process flow will serve as a guide for the initiators of a new degree programme (subject experts, Faculty QM, deans of studies).
  • The additional MeisterTask Board for the new establishment illustrates the specific timeline and tasks in the process.
  • The corresponding forms, templates and checklists are provided in the download area.

New Establishment | Step by Step

Below, potential initiators are shown the most important steps in the course of setting up a new degree programme. If you’re looking for detailed information, dependencies and responsibilities, please check the Swimlane diagrams or contact the respective Faculty QM or Team Q³.

Click on the respective process phase to access the individual process steps: