Further Development and Reaccreditation
The core processes ‘New establishment and accreditation’, ‘Further development and reaccreditation’ and ‘Discontinuation’ of a degree programme were designed by the Faculties, the central units and the Q³ team. The processes were divided into phases, which contain steps that build on each other.
Various visuals were developed to help readers understand the process:
- For the establishment and development of a new programme, the process overview summarizes how the (sub)processes and their phases are linked and in which order they take place.
- The Swimlane diagrams show the processes in detail, including all dependencies, responsibilities and documents. They will be published soon in the UoC process portal.
- A simple, step-by-step description of the process flow will serve as a guide for the initiators of a new degree programme (subject experts, Faculty QM, deans of studies).
- The corresponding forms, templates and checklists are provided in the download area.
Reaccreditation | Step by Step
As a potential initiator, you can find the most important steps in the course of reaccreditation below. If you’re looking for detailed information, dependencies and responsibilities, please check the Swimlane diagrams or contact the respective Faculty QM or Team Q³.
Click on the respective process phase to view the individual process steps: