Research Centers
Research Centers (RCs) are institutionalized (non-permanent) research structures at the university which complement its six Faculties. They address a defined research topic of high academic and/or societal relevance. RCs are characterized by proven academic excellence, international renown and established collaborations.
Clusters of Excellence automatically receive the status of a Research Center.

Quantum Matter and Materials (QM2)

Plant Science (CEPLAS)

Cellular Stress Responses in Aging-Associated Diseases (CECAD)

Cologne Center for Ethics, Rights, Economics & Social Sciences of Health (ceres)

Global South Studie Center (GSSC)

Center for Social and Economic Behavior (C·SEB)

ECONtribute: Markets & Public Policy

Skills and Structures in Language and Cognition (SSLAC)
Research Centers are approved by the Rectorate upon application and after evaluation. The evaluation is carried out by external experts and with the involvement of the Scientific Advisory Board. The funding period is seven years with the possibility of renewal.