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Showroom Digital Teaching and Learning

The University of Cologne can no longer be imagined without digital and virtual teaching and learning. They are essential and necessary concepts for universities of the 21st century and will shape everyday university life even after the Corona period.

"Much of what we have tried out in the past semesters will continue to shape the design of learning, teaching and studying in the future", Professor Beatrix Busse, Vice Rector for Teaching and Studies says.

In a digital showroom we have put together multimedia examples from all areas in which digital teaching and learning has been creatively implemented and in which new, innovative formats have been developed and tested.

The showroom offers insights into courses from previous semesters and shows, how teachers and students successfully responded to the challenge of the online semester.

The showroom is intended to give all teachers and students suggestions and impulses to further develop teaching and learning at the UoC in a future-oriented and co-creative way in order to prepare the students for the challenges of the future.




Dr. Magdalena Spaude
Project coordinator Netzwerk
Vice Rectorate for Teaching and Learning
Prof. Dr. Beatrix Busse