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Research Prizes 2020

Laureates 2020

Max Delbrück-Prizes:

Prof.‘in Dr.‘in Susanne Crewell (Geophysics and Meteorology)

Prof. Dr. Achim Rosch (Theoretical Physics)

Max Delbrück-Prize for Young Researchers:

Dr. Stefan Kneifel (Geophysics and Meteorology)

Leo Spitzer-Prize:

Prof.‘in Dr.‘in Martine Grice (Linguistics)

Leo Spitzer-Prize for Young Researchers:

Dr.‘in Anna Karla (Modern History)

Hans Kelsen-Prize:

Prof. Dr. Axel Ockenfels (Department of Economics)

Hans Kelsen-Prize for Young Researchers:

Dr. David Markworth (Labour and Economic Law)



Max Delbrück Prize

Prof.Dr.‘ in Susanne Crewell // Max-Delbrück-Prize 2020

Prof. Dr. Achim Rosch // Max-Delbrück-Prize 2020

Max Delbrück Junior Prize

Dr. Stefan Kneifel //Max Delbrück-Prize 2020 for Young Researchers 

Leo Spitzer Junior Prize

Prof. Martine Grice // Leo-Spitzer-Preis 2020

Leo Spitzer-Prize for Young Researchers

Dr. Anna Karla is a historian and research assistant at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. She studied in Berlin and Paris and was a guest researcher in Washington D.C. and New York. She lives in Cologne.

Further information (Ger.)

Hans Kelsen Prize

 Prof. Axel Ockenfels  // Hans-Kelsen-Preis 2020

Hans Kelsen Junior Prize

Dr. David Markworth  // Hans-Kelsen-Preis 2020 for Young Researchers