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Career planning on the path to a professorship

Are you on the path to a professorship, would you like to apply for an advertised position in the near future or successfully conduct negotiations to stay? In cooperation with the Junior Faculty Club,  we offer you the opportunity to take part in a 2-hour individual coaching session conducted by experts from the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (DHV).

This might include:

  • Revising the application documents for a (junior) professorship
  • Preparing for the selection interview in the application process
  • Strategic approach and negotiation tactics
  • Identifying convincing unique selling points
  • Consultation slots are regularly announced on this page.

If you would like to make an appointment for a consultation, please send an e-mail to: and describe your consultation request in a few sentences. Consultations can take place online, by telephone or at the DHV offices in Bonn.