Feedback Toolbox
As a teacher, in addition to the standardized course evaluation (Lehrveranstaltungsevaluation, LVE), you have the opportunity to use feedback tools to continuously further develop and improve the quality of teaching. The following tools might be a nice addition to your toolbox, especially for very specialized course formats.
Feedback tools help you to improve your teaching methods and the quality of your teaching. They are useful for finding out more about students' learning status and success so that you can adapt your teaching to their needs.
“Feedback ist wie ein Schatz, der nur darauf wartet, gehoben zu werden. Geben, nehmen und nutzen Sie dieses Potenzial.” (“Feedback is like a treasure just waiting to be unearthed. Give, take and utilise this potential.”)
Feedback Tools
Below you will find suggestions for tools for large (e.g. lecture) or small (e.g. seminar, colloquium) events, as well as for feedback on the teaching itself or on the learning (learning status, learning success) of the participants.
We are always happy to receive feedback, regardless of whether you have used one of the tools listed or another exciting method in your course.

Tools for small events