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Cologne Model of Structured Doctoral Studies

The responsibility for the doctoral process and the supervision of its doctoral candidates is a core task of the University of Cologne (UoC) in order to prepare the doctoral candidates in the best possible way for their doctorate but also for later career steps within and outside academia.

For an effective implementation of these processes, the Albertus Magnus Center (AMC) has developed the Cologne Model of Structured Doctoral Studies in cooperation with the faculties.

With the Cologne Model of structured doctoral studies, the UoC commits itself to common guidelines to ensure quality doctoral supervision for all our doctoral candidates, regardless of their faculty affiliation, form of doctoral studies, and funding. As a joint project of the faculties, the goal of the Cologne Model is a transparent and comparable organisation of the doctoral phase. At the same time, it takes into account the specifics of the faculties and subjects and supports the doctoral regulations of the faculties.


The Cologne Model of structured doctoral studies comprises the following seven structural elements:

Read the interview with Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Andreas Speer on the background, goals and contents of the Cologne Model.