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University of Cologne recertified as a ‘Fairtrade University’ for the fourth time

The University of Cologne was first certified as a ‘Fairtrade University’ by Fairtrade Deutschland e.V. in 2018. Now it has been awarded the title for another two years.

The University of Cologne has once again been awarded the title ‘Fairtrade University’ for two years in recognition of its commitment to fair trade. It had to fulfil various criteria for its recertification. Every semester, various campaigns and information events are organized for the university community that address the topic of fair trade. For example, there are information stands and activities at the welcome event for first-semester students and the sustainable Christmas market. Furthermore, the ‘FairChangers’ – a group of young people from Kenya who work in Fairtrade-certified production – visited the Cologne campus to discuss fair trade and sustainability. A comprehensive selection of fair-trade products is offered in the canteens, bistros and coffee bars operated by the Kölner Studierendenwerk. Moreover, at the University of Cologne fair-trade coffee and sustainable food is served at meetings and events.

“Our aim is to make the university community even more aware of issues such as sustainable consumption, fair production conditions and social responsibility,” said Judith Schmidtlein, head of the sustainability steering group at the university. The group, whose existence itself fulfils one of the criteria for the award, is made up of representatives from students, the catering department of the Studierendenwerk, the university’s central procurement department and the Sustainability Office.

Since 2014, Fairtrade Deutschland e.V. has been awarding the title ‘Fairtrade University’ to universities for their commitment to fair trade.


Media Contact:
Judith Schmidtlein

Pamela Kilian
Head of Sustainability Office
+49 221 470 3808

Press and Communications Team:
Jan Voelkel
+49 221 470 2356

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